Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back Exercises for Strengthening Purposes

The largest muscle in the back is known as the latissimus dorsi, which is simply shortened to lats when making reference to this muscle. Back exercises will most often include pull-ups and lat pull downs as they specifically aim at the lats. There are a number of other back muscles that need to be worked, along with the lats to get the back workout one needs.

Adding size and strength to your back also includes the rhomboid and trapezius muscles. To use back exercises targeting the lats only is the same as quitting a job when it is only half done. Muscles of the back work together to accomplish things like stabilizing the shoulder blades. Developing all back muscle will add mass to the upper back and rear shoulders.

Rear deltoids, rhomboids, and trapezius, are all back muscles that quite often are neglected. Working with these weak areas will pay off in a more defined physique. A number of back exercises worked into a once a week routine will reap many rewards.

One exercise that is a bit different from others in how it is worked are the pull ups and lat pull downs. Each move that you make will start with the shoulder blades allowed to slide down. This allows for a larger range of motion of the lats and also allow for greater development.

Some back exercises encompass all the muscles of your back and one of them is the dead lift. From top to bottom all the back muscles work together. The inverted row will require a test of strength when being done. For this exercise the body has to kept in position for them to be beneficial. If you find you are not positioned properly only the repetitions performed properly should be counted.

When you feel you have reached a plateau where repetitions are easily performed there are other back exercises that you may wish to move onto. These are more for the intermediate workout and should not be taken on as part of a beginner program.

The three point dumbbell can be a challenging. It is performed while holding a dumbbell in one hand and positioning the body forward with one arm placed straight against the floor and legs spread slightly apart and the feet on your toes. Mid and core back muscles are used and this exercise is meant for intermediate to advanced results.

Another advanced exercise is the three point dumbbell row using a medicine ball. Aimed at the middle back muscle it is performed similar to the two point dumbbell but legs are farter apart and the extended arm rests on an exercise ball. One back exercise that is suitable for any fitness level is the back extension with a twist. Its aim is the lower and oblique muscles.

When performing any back exercises, it is vital that we listen to our body. Any pain should be looked into. Maybe it is just a matter of overdoing it with exercises that our back has not strengthened to a point of tolerating, The idea is to make our back stronger; not to damage it.

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