Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Adsense colours

The Google Adsense program gives you the opportunity to not only display content relevant ads, but also to integrate the ads into your existing website colour scheme.

As the image above illustrates you can change the layout of the Google Adsense ads on your pages, simply by using "point and click".
You can change the appearance of the Adsense ad border, Adsense ad background, Adsense ad title, Adsense ad text and Adsense ad URL.

Your changes are updated directly online, giving you a preview of the new Adsense layout. Once you are satisfied with your changes, all you have to do is replace the code on your websites, and you are ready to serve beautiful Google Adsense ads that matches your website perfectly.

It is also possible for you to designseveral different colour schemes online, and save them for future reference. If you are wondering if the Adsense ad layout has an influence on your CTR (Click Thru Rate), then the answer is yes! - Adsense Tips gives you the answer.

Note: The picture above is copyright Google inc.

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